We, Intrepid Shield

6th and Jefferson in Louisville. This is a line of white people forming a barrier between Black protestors and the police. This is love. This is what you do with your privilege. #NoJusticeNoPeace #SayHerName #BreonnaTaylor
Photo credit: Tim Druck

Although I am not white, I admit I enjoy white privilege because most people perceive me as white.  My mother was Melungeon, a mix raced people of Appalachia, and my real father was of Hispanic heritage.  Most people look at me and see white features and assume a Greek or Italian heritage.  Yes, some ignorant people have said stupid, racist things to me because of their assumption of my whiteness.  In light of recent events, the privilege given to me by my features and skin color demands that I stand up to help.


We sat silent, complacent too long

Our children safe.


Between threats to our black and brown

Sisters and brothers,

We must shield– intrepid, resolute,

 taking spit, hits,

 gas, lash, bricks

 even death, should it come to that

So nothing touches them.


We must fulfill the promise of our nation—

              All are equal




Published by

Annette Kalandros

I am a retired teacher, enjoying everything that retirement means. In addition, I have been active in the LGBTQ community since I was four years old and marched my Ken doll with all his little Ken accouterments to the big metal trash can in the yard. Yes, I dumped Ken, along with said accouterments, into the can and slammed the lid on. My two Barbie dolls lived happily ever after.

10 thoughts on “We, Intrepid Shield”

  1. We are so alike. I look white but my mom is Egyptian and my dad is French/Spanish/Italian – I grew up where ‘white’ meant anglo saxon or something like that – Irish – German etc. But in truth now ‘white’ means the color of your skin which is so shallow because I know so many who are mixed race like us, and are very dark or very light and it’s just not that simple as skin color but as you say, white means people see what they want to see and you avoid some of the racism but not all. It is very sad but at least we know it and we talk about it and one day it will be different I am sure, so long as those who protest racism do not become reverse racist and take up some of the bad ways of thinking that racists had, like judging someone on their color

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly! With so many people of mixed race like myself no longer “hiding” behind other’s perception of “whiteness” but actually talking about race now, perhaps we have a chance to evolve beyond racism of any sort.


  2. Great piece, Annette.
    I’m contemplating re-reading The True Believer by Eric Hoffer, who said, “Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Bill. I’m not familiar with Hoffer, but I taught Emerson, Thoreau, Dr. King, and Gandhi as a unit to high school juniors for many years. Maybe too many! I tried to instill a hope for the future in my students and show a way to bring change into the world, so if I am not willing to be a part of the shield, all of my words, all of what I taught becomes meaningless.

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