
Image courtesy of Kanascitymag.com


Today’s prompt— Write a poem using evanescence, trill, and longevity.


           dreams held up the sky

           the edge of sea could cleanse a soul

           magic chimed in the songs of birds

           the universe trilled with vibrancy contained in starlight

           the evanescence of our lives unquestioned


then hope, golden and shining, possessed eternal longevity.


Image is my own


Lightning cracked the sky today

Very nearly tethering Desire and Want,

Who entwined, rolling from edge

To edge of the horizon—


And I walked,

Thinking I’d make it home

Before pelting rain could chill

My heated sweating skin.


But I did not.

Clothes soaking,

Wet through—

I made it home,

Trailing water drops

Down the hall.


Finally, dry and warmed,

Dressed in fresh clothes,

I looked outside

To find a pink sky,

With clouds tethered

To the earth like me.


Upon Waking by Annette Kalandros

I am honored to be featured on Masticadoresusa.wordpress.com

MasticadoresUsa // Editor: Barbara Leonhard //

Upon Walking
by Annette Kalandros
[author’s site]

Linger here
In this vibrancy of opalescent color,
This swirling silken scent,
Hide the realities away
For they intrude too much
Upon this, this sweetness of longing—
Let me wake, reaching out a hand
tracing air as if following the curves of her
warm skin in memory

@Annette Kalandros


Welcome to MasticadoresUSA.

MasticadoresUSA was founded byJuan Re Crivello as part ofGobblers/Masticadoresin 2021. Its current editor isGabriela Marie Milton.

MasticadoresUSA features talented writers of poetry and short prose. We primarily publish writers who write in English, and are based in the USA. However, while the publication language remains English, we also welcome the work of our fellow writers from all over the world.

What do we want to bring to our readers? Edgar Allan Poe once wrote:Poetryis the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.This…

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Fractured Twilight

Image is my own


Walking in fractured twilight

Is the smoothest time of light and mind–

A wish made–

To braid reality, this curve of light, with sweetest memory

Thus, so entwined

One begins to hope,

Believing in miracles once again

To spite all fractures made of years.