The Scribe

Courtesy of
A scribe dips a sharpened quill
into the red ink well,
addressing the naked need 
for barbed wire
fences of words
to create barricades
in red.

Next, weaving starts.
Words to cushion,
Kevlar words,
preventing of any element
from penetrating
and thus, creating
For such things burn,,,
dangerous when they
trespass the Kevlar
 of red ink the Scribe
fashions with her sharp quill—
Words of arm’s length,
only so far, no farther,
Step back
Back away
Turn away 
Words of red
to always protect--
Woven into blankets, vests,
a house, never to be a home.

Published by

Annette Kalandros

I am a retired teacher, enjoying everything that retirement means. In addition, I have been active in the LGBTQ community since I was four years old and marched my Ken doll with all his little Ken accouterments to the big metal trash can in the yard. Yes, I dumped Ken, along with said accouterments, into the can and slammed the lid on. My two Barbie dolls lived happily ever after.

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