Twilight Days

image is my own

days spinning faster

now toward twilight it seems

hours before dawn


years ago hours

lived, died, born again screaming

before twilight’s edge


watch the dawn hours

spin, dizzy and drunk with years,

into twilight’s grave

The Chase of Words

Image courtesy of Windows Report

VJ’s Weekly Challenge: The Chase – One Woman’s Quest II


The words—

It is the always—the words—

I have always been

Searching the sidewalks, paths, trails, highways, the sky outside

     For the words—

Combing gently through those I love

     For the words—

Hunting the faces of strangers, my own face, my dogs, my friends

     For the words—

Scouring the hearts, the souls of those I observe

     For the words—

Ransacking restful, peace giving nature

     For the words—

Scourging even, in the chase, my faith

     For the words—

And they are never perfect.

Should Not Have

Image courtesy of
Write a poem or piece of prose in exactly 23 words–Kaleidoscope

A woman once held a kaleidoscope to my eyes.

I, like a child entranced, fooled by a prism of colors,

Gave my soul away.

Tone Deaf

image courtesy of
Written as a response to the following prompt:

Harmony never made sense to me
And neither did melody.
Can’t tell the difference, you see.
No talent with any instrument.
A singing voice that’d send me
To some lower level of hell.
Well, I’d never play Orpheus,
That’s for sure.
And no matter what you may think,
You ain’t some worthy Eurydice.